From Archive: 7. Révérence - горькая правда: A Farewell to The Heritage Ballet

It is time to reveal the truth about The Heritage Ballet's background—truth that I have known for some time, even before writing these articles for the blog.
First, some background information for context:
A statement from the Czech ballet company SPBT Entertainment s.r.o. and The Heritage Ballet appeared in the Swedish newspaper UNT on January 5, 2024, when asked if there was any connection between the Czech ballet The Heritage Ballet and the Russian ballet St. Petersburg Ballet Theatre:
De två balettensemblerna är enligt mejlet "helt separata, fundamentalt olika till sin natur, har noll juridiska kopplingar och separata ägare". – Sedan 2022 har St Petersburg Ballet Theatre helt slutat att arbeta på grund av covid och den nuvarande politiska situationen (i Ukraina). Vi förstår förvirringen som uppstått med namnet, men vi förnekar alla antydningar om att den ryska baletten skulle verka i Sverige, skriver Alex Andrechuk.
According to the email, the two ballet ensembles are “completely separate, fundamentally different in nature, with no legal ties and separate owners.” – Since 2022, the St Petersburg Ballet Theatre has completely ceased operations due to COVID and the current political situation (in Ukraine). We understand the confusion caused by the name, but we deny any suggestions that the Russian ballet is operating in Sweden, writes Alex Andrechuk.
Here is company details of the Russian company Saint Petersburg Ballet Theatre. It is active. Founder is Irina Kolesnikova and Managing Director is Ustin Konstantinovich Tachkin:

Translated with web browser for clarity:

Founder is Irina Kolesnikova:

Who is Ustin Tachkin?
According to this news article, Ustin is the son of Konstantin Tachkin. Konstantin is the founder of the St. Petersburg Ballet Theatre, and the husband of it's prima ballerina Irina Kolesnikova:
Prima ballerina Irina Kolesnikova on balancing her professional career
COMBINING dance with being a mum was the perfect step for prima ballerina Irina Kolesnikova.
Screenshot from same article text where Konstantin Tachkin confirms relationship between him and Ustin Tachkin :

Here is Irina Kolesnikova promoting the upcoming Swan Lake at the Cirkus venue in Stockholm in January 2025. Cirkus is owned by ABBA legend Björn Ulvaeus:

Quote from article:
– Jag ser framför mig ett Cirkus som ett modernt, flexibelt och attraktivt teaterkomplex med ett brett musik- och underhållningsutbud av hög kvalitet. Ambitionen är att mina kräsna musikalkollegor ute i världen ska säga: ”Jag har hört att Cirkus i Stockholm är Skandinaviens bästa scen”, säger Björn Ulvaeus i ett pressmeddelande.
I envision Cirkus as a modern, flexible, and attractive theater complex with a wide range of high-quality music and entertainment offerings. The ambition is for my discerning musical colleagues around the world to say, 'I've heard that Cirkus in Stockholm is the best stage in Scandinavia,'" says Björn Ulvaeus in a press release
Is ABBA legend Björn Ulvaeus aware that they have booked a Russian-owned ballet for three shows in January 2025 and also in May 2025?
Here are the links to the shows at Cirkus in Stockholm.
Swan Lake January 10 2025:
Svansjön med The Heritage Ballet 2025 - Cirkus
The Nutcracker January 11 2025:
Nötknäpparen med The Heritage Ballet - Cirkus
The famous Cirkus venue in Stockholm can accommodate around 1,600 guests. They will also serve dinner to guests who have booked such ticket packages.
A quick reminder of who the individuals behind St. Petersburg Ballet Theatre are:
A “Swan Lake” Star Drinks Hot Water in Sinatra’s Old Haunt
The New YorkerElizabeth Barber
Here’s some information about the St. Petersburg Ballet Theatre from Wikipedia:
St Petersburg Ballet Theatre - Wikipedia
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.Contributors to Wikimedia projects
So a ballet called The Heritage Ballet is planning a tour in Sweden in 2025.
Who is The Heritage Ballet? Here is the ballet's official website, where you can read about the upcoming tour in Sweden:
The classical ballet the way it was intended
Here is the homepage of the Czech company SPBT Entertainment s.r.o., which officially promotes The Heritage Ballet:
Both websites provide information about the upcoming tour at eight different concert venues in Sweden.
Who is contact person and has signed contract between The Heritage Ballet and the municipally owned concert hall?
The person is Russian citizen Ustin Konstantinovich Tachkin. Here some screen shots from Malmö, Jönköping and Uppsala agreements:

Russian citizen Ustin Tachkin is using IP address in Germany:

This is the provider. It is French:

Consider the UK account in the context of the Uppsala agreement. Wise Payments homepage: "Money for here, there and everywhere. 160 countries. 40 currencies. Get the account built to save you money round the world":

Wise Payments homepage:
Wise: the international account | Money without borders

Once again, Ustin Konstantinovich Tachkin is the Managing Director of the Russian company Saint Petersburg Ballet Theatre and the son of its founder.
This creates a clear connection between the "Czech" The Heritage Ballet and the Russian St. Petersburg Ballet Theatre.
So, there are Russian owners behind the ballet tour. How do they receive the income from ticket sales in Sweden?
A possible clue to this could be the offshore companies that co-own the UK-based company Euromont Organization LLP, alongside Sergey Kuryerov, who, on paper, is the owner of the Czech company SPBT Entertainment s.r.o.
I refer to my other articles about these companies and their connection to SPBT and The Heritage Ballet. More reading here and here.
Only Sergey Kuryerov and representative Ustin Tachkin can answer how the Russian company ultimately receives the money.
Are they publicly willing to make a statement about this? Are The Heritage Ballet willing to make a public statement against Russia´s war in Ukraine?
Feel free to sign the petition to stop The Heritage Ballet 2025 tour in Sweden: