From Archive: 6. Another Chapter in the SPBT and Russian Ministry of Culture Connection

SPBT's connection to the Russian Ministry of Culture/Rosconcert isn't limited to the Hutchison Group in Russia. There's also a link through this individual:

From the area highlighted in red, we read:
"Early on his association with the Edgley group, Andrew was given the responsibility of managing the company�s relationship with the Ministry of Culture in Russia. There has hardly been one Russian show that has visited Australia in the past 35 years that has not had Andrew Guild as Executive Producer. In the course of his dealings between the Russian cultural bodies and those in Australia, Andrew taught himself to speak the Russian language, which further added to his recognised ability to build the cultural bridges between Russia and Australia.
During the depth of the Cold War, Andrew made countless journeys to Russia and other Eastern Bloc countries, procuring product such as the Great Moscow Circus, The Bolshoi Ballet and numerous Folk Dance Ensembles."

Do the names seem familiar?
Yes, they were the individuals responsible for promoting the 2023 SPBT tour in South Africa, which was boycotted by Ukrainians and others in the region. Refer to the list of "decision-makers" from the petition signed by 7,000 people attempting to stop the SPBT tour last year:
Boycott the St. Petersburg Ballet performance in South Africa

Those Australian guys really seem to love Russia.
Not convinced yet it was the St. Petersburg Ballet Theatre that toured in South Africa in 2023?
The spokesperson "Alex Andrechuk" from the Czech company SPBT Entertainment s.r.o and The Heritage Ballet told the Swedish newspaper UNT last week that the St. Petersburg Ballet Theatre completely ceased touring in 2022:
"De två balettensemblerna är enligt mejlet "helt separata, fundamentalt olika till sin natur, har noll juridiska kopplingar och separata ägare".
– Sedan 2022 har St Petersburg Ballet Theatre helt slutat att arbeta på grund av covid och den nuvarande politiska situationen (i Ukraina). Vi förstår förvirringen som uppstått med namnet, men vi förnekar alla antydningar om att den ryska baletten skulle verka i Sverige, skriver Alex Andrechuk."
"The two ballet ensembles are, according to the email, "completely separate, fundamentally different in nature, have zero legal connections, and separate owners."
– Since 2022, the St Petersburg Ballet Theatre has completely ceased operations due to COVID and the current political situation (in Ukraine). We understand the confusion caused by the name, but we deny any suggestions that the Russian ballet is operating in Sweden, writes Alex Andrechuk."
This is what happened in South Africa in 2023 during on-site protests:
Protest interrupted at Monte Casino, chased out by security
More reading about protests against SPBT in 2023:
Ukrainians protest against Russian ballet and cast outside Artscape
IOL | News that Connects South AfricansShakirah Thebus

From article:
The protest, organised by the Ukrainian Association of South Africa, warned attendees of the potential complicity in war crimes, by stopping theatre patrons to hand out pamphlets while waving the Ukrainian flag.
The association said that since 2020, the Swan Lake performance in South Africa was presented as a product of St Petersburg Ballet Theatre, a Russian classical ballet company.
This year, the name of the company was taken down but the cast remained the same. Weeks before the performance, the presenting company was changed to an Australian company.
What Company? This company:
GLOBAL STAR EVENTS - K2019487560 - South Africa
GLOBAL STAR EVENTS - K2019487560 - South Africa
Where we find two familiar Australian names:

Here is from promotion:

THE WORLD’S MOST LOVED BALLET SWAN LAKE - Artscape Theatre Centre - Cape Town
Artscape Theatre Centre - Cape Town -Sive Wana
More from article:
“The producer has assured us that there are no contracts with any Russian companies in respect of this production. "
"The producer of the production and company with which Artscape concluded a contract was with Australian company Global Star Events (Pty) Ltd, she said."
And that company is the same as these guys:

Two of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation's best allies and promotors of SPBT worldwide.