From Archive: 3. SPBT Entertainment s.r.o and its connection to Russia.

From Archive:                                    3. SPBT Entertainment s.r.o and its connection to Russia.

If anyone still doubts that there is no connection between the Czech SPBT Entertainment s.r.o and Russia, they can study SPBT Entertainment's Facebook page. In the bottom right corner of the promotional image for the French performances, you can see the logo of the Russian St. Petersburg Ballet Theatre, commonly abbreviated as SPBT.

The Facebook account for SPBT Entertainment was created on October 4, 2019.

The red logo in the bottom right corner. The performances are for the year 2020:

Kolesnikova is the owner of the company linked to the Russian military, the company is called 'Russian Army Song and Dance Ensemble,' now dissolved, but was active between 2016 and 2021. That is, during the time SPBT Entertainment s.r.o has been operating (translated to Swedish with the browser’s tool):

SPBT has its premises in 'Dom Ofitserov' in St. Petersburg. The Officers' House for the Western Military District of the Russian Federation:

Dom Ofitserov, where among others, the GRU, the Russian military intelligence service, holds its meetings (translated with the browser’s tool):

Here we see from the Internet Archive that SPBT has its premises in the Officers' House in St. Petersburg. It is described as a 'magnificent studio complex' for the SPBT ballet:

It is stated that no state funding has been received according to the text, but if you check Russian sites with company information, there is a record of some funding in recent times. This is something I will return to.

We recognize Irina Kolesnikova from The Heritage Ballet's website:

And from Cirkus in Stockholm's promotion of the performances in January 2025:


Svansjön med The Heritage Ballet 2025 - Cirkus

Upplev en fängslande historia om tragisk romantik och Tjajkovskijs medryckande musik i denna spektakulära balett, Svansjön.



And at the concert halls, The Heritage Ballet's events are promoted with the same image from St. Petersburg Ballet Theatre. Here is an example from Gothenburg Concert Hall. 'Organizer: SPBT Entertainment":


Svansjön med The Heritage Ballet

Information från arrangören: Upplev en fängslande historia om tragisk romantik och Tjajkovskijs medryckande musik i den spektakulära baletten Svansjön. Svansjön, som uruppfördes i St Petersburg 1895, är iscensatt till Pjotr Tjajkovskijs odödliga musik och är en av världens populäraste balettuppsättningar. Med de oslagbara “vita akterna”, den spektakulära och dramatiska balscenen, den utsökta musiken och den

Göteborgs Symfoniker


SPBT Entertainment s.r.o, as is well known by readers now, has a Russian owner named Sergey Kuryerov. His British company, Euromont Organization LLP, has stated in annual reports at The Companies House that they receive commissions for theater arrangements. See under the heading 'Principal activity...' where it states '...received commission':

The company has two so-called 'members.' These are two companies that he co-owns Euromont Organization LLP with. The two companies, Alteron Corp and Centron Inc, are registered in the tax haven of Majuro in the Marshall Islands. The 'office' is located at this 'airport':

7°04′12.2″N 171°16′03.4″E

7°04'12.2"N 171°16'03.4"E


A detailed description of these companies can be found in my first post about the ballet.

But this concerns the company owned by the Russian Kuryerov:

EUROMONT ORGANIZATION LLP overview - Find and update company information - GOV.UK

Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity

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And in Kuryerov's previous company, Modelex LLP, there are co-owning companies from the same infamous corporate network:

MODELEX LLP people - Find and update company information - GOV.UK

Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity

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This is his ownership seen here:

MODELEX LLP persons with significant control - Find and update company information - GOV.UK

Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity

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And it is Altimex Ltd and Crestberg Ltd, co-owning 'members,' that are involved in this money laundering scandal with ties to Russia:

Former minister’s family business transferred millions to shell companies

Companies belonging to former interior minister Ain Seppik and his sons Sulev and Siim have transferred millions of dollars to shell companies with ties to several infamous money laundering schemes. Sulev Seppik maintains the transactions are real and constitute normal business activity.

Estonian newsMartin Laine


Quote from the article about SPBT Entertainment s.r.o's owner Sergey Kuryerov's co-owning companies in the now-defunct Modelex LLP—Crestberg Ltd and Altimex Ltd—which take commissions for theater arrangements from SPBT Entertainment s.r.o through the company Euromont, also linked to the network:

'UK laws make it very easy to start a company backed up by thin air. While one needs two companies to start an LLP type firm, no one checks whether there is any substance behind them. Stakeholders in such schemes are usually shelf companies registered in tax havens. The now liquidated Credojet was founded by Altimex Ltd. and Crestberg Ltd. that are registered in the Commonwealth of Dominica.
Äripäev has previously reported that subsidiaries of Altimex and Crestberg (like Credojet) were used in the process of laundering suspicious assets of Azerbaijani leaders, where around one hundred UK companies bounced roughly a billion euros between them.
Altimex and Crestberg documents were signed by Brussels dentist Ali Moulaye.'

This concerned the Russian Kuryerov's previous company, Modelex LLP, where he was listed as the owner. As previously reported, he has purchased citizenship in Romania, and his wife has purchased citizenship in Kyrgyzstan. However, he resides in a large luxury villa outside St. Petersburg and in Valencia, Spain.

And where the mysterious dentist Ali Moulaye has signed company documents for Kuryerov's companies:

Vid en enkel googling på hans namn ser man att det inte är helt okomplicerat att ha hans namn som tjeckisk balettdirektör i vissa bolagshandlingar:

ali moulaye - Google Zoeken

Google Zoeken


Here is an interesting article about the circumstances surrounding the company owned by The Heritage Ballet's owner, where Ali Moulaye is mentioned:

As seen at the UK Companies House, Alteron and Centron in the Marshall Islands are part of the same network of companies. These are the co-owning companies in Kuryerov's theater company, Euromont Organization LLP.

In this link below, you can see the current and previous companies listed as 'members' in Euromont. These are the companies involved in the major money laundering scandals surrounding Swedbank and Danske Bank. See the Estonian article above in the post.

EUROMONT ORGANIZATION LLP people - Find and update company information - GOV.UK

Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity

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And here we see the connection between Sergey Kuryerov's company Euromont Organization LLP's co-owning 'member' Alteron Corp and the infamous Credojet Alliance LLP:

It is indeed Credojet, Altimex, and Crestberg that are mentioned in this Estonian article about money laundering:

This is the business background of the owner of The Heritage Ballet and the company SPBT Entertainment s.r.o.

About the same time as he started SPBT Entertainment s.r.o this article was released by FOI (Swedish Defence Research Agency) in Sweden with a suitable picture (Title: 'Report on Russian think tanks - keep track of who you are collaborating with').

He has also started a new company on November 12, 2024, together with his wife, Novastage LLP. The name is reminiscent of performing arts, and the company changed its address a week ago to a very well-known address in London:

NOVASTAGE LLP people - Find and update company information - GOV.UK

Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity

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The purpose of the new company is unknown, but as can be seen from the company documents above, Euromont Organization LLP does not have a good standing with the British 'Companies House.' It now faces compulsory liquidation due to delayed requested documents regarding its ownership. This is known as a 'compulsory strike-off.' This was the same fate that befell Russian Kuryerov's company, Modelex LLP, with ownership in the tax haven of Dominica.

Why does a Czech ballet company, owned by a Russian who has registered in Romania (and splits his residence between St. Petersburg and Valencia, Spain), need two co-owning companies in the Marshall Islands for its business engagement in the UK?

And why does the Czech operation operate from an address in Prague with a multitude of 'generic' companies registered there?

One can Google the address:

Malešická 2855/2b, 130 00 Praha

And see that there are many other companies there. Just as there are hundreds of companies registered at London addresses connected to the other corporate engagements:

Malešická 2855/2b, 130 00 Praha - Google Zoeken

Google Zoeken


And why does Sergey Kuryerov need two Russian citizens living in different parts of the Czech Republic with power of attorney from him to start SPBT Entertainment s.r.o?

Other Czech company documents show that Svetlana was born in Nerjungri, Russia, in the Russian republic of Yakutia.

Why does the Russian Sergey Kuryerov need these two Russian individuals to start a Czech ballet company in which they have no ownership?

As can be seen in the document above, Sergey Kuryerov claims to be registered in Radauti, Romania. The question is whether he has ever even set foot at that address?

It is impossible to get insight into where the money goes after SPBT Entertainment s.r.o in Prague and Sergey Kuryerov have sent what appears to be commissions to the co-owning companies in the Marshall Islands, Centron Inc and Alteron.

Here is the commission:

This is what an insight into the latest balance sheet for SPBT Entertainment s.r.o looks like (in thousands of Czech koruna, still in Swedish version):

This balance sheet provides an overview of the company's financial position as of December 31, 2023. Here is a brief analysis:

Assets (Aktiva)

  • Total assets: 6,900 thousand Czech koruna (CZK), a significant increase compared to the previous year (1,882 tCZK).
  • Non-current assets (Stálá aktiva): Amount to 856 tCZK. These are long-term assets that are not expected to be converted into liquid assets within the next year.
  • Current assets (Oběžná aktiva): Amount to 6,900 tCZK. These are short-term assets that are likely to be used or sold in the coming year, indicating strong liquidity capacity.

Liabilities and Equity (Pasiva)

  • Total liabilities and equity: Matches assets (6,900 tCZK), which is fundamental for the balance sheet's balance.
  • Equity (Vlastní kapitál): -479 tCZK, indicating that the company has negative equity. This may suggest accumulated losses or that liabilities exceed assets belonging to the owners.
  • Foreign sources (Cizí zdroje): 7,379 tCZK, meaning the company's operations are largely financed through external debt.
  • Liabilities (Závazky): These make up the total amount of 7,379 tCZK, which may include supplier debts, loans, and other obligations.

"Cizí zdroje Součet" can be translated into English as "Foreign sources Total." In accounting terms, it typically refers to the total of liabilities or external sources of financing that a company has, such as loans or other obligations to external parties.

The above accounting and previous articles on the subject should show that there are clear connections between The Heritage Ballet, the Russian military, and the Russian Ministry of Culture/organization Rosconcert.